5 Things Every Fashionable Four-Eyes Should Know

December 4, 2017

Main And Central Thursday in Brown Tortoise

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Coastal. All opinions are 100% mine.

I can’t say that I’ve always been a fan of glasses. I still remember getting in trouble with my teacher in middle school for stubbornly refusing to wear my glasses (and not being able to read what was on the whiteboard at the front of the class). The school nurse actually had to have a conversation to convince my mom to buy me contacts. Back then, if I had to pick between wearing “uncool” glasses and not being able to see, I’ll pick the latter any time of the day.

Well a lot has changed since middle school. Glasses frames prices has lowered considerably and the amount of options has increased exponentially. Or at the very least, the internet has made them easier to find and shop for. Also, my style has matured — I no longer see glasses as something annoying I have to wear, but rather as another opportunity to express my style. On top of that, I started having problems with chronic dry eyes, a condition that can be aggravated by wearing contacts too often. Because of all this, about a couple of months ago I made the conscious decision to switch from contacts to glasses.

In the two months I’ve been a glasses wearer, I’ve learned so much. Boy there sure is a huge difference between wearing your glasses a couple of hours a day at home vs. spending your whole day with them. If you ever think about switching to glasses, here are five tips and hacks that’s guaranteed to make your four-eyed life a lot easier.

1. You don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for good frames
Gone are the days where you have to pay hundreds of dollars on frames, not to mention the expensive lenses that you’ll have to tack on to the cost. Places like Coastal lets you buy super stylish frames for as low as $19. This means that you’ll get more bang for your buck and you can afford to buy more frames to match your different outfit.
Pro-tip: Between now and Dec 31, 2017, Coastal is having a holiday BOGO deal. Get yourself a second pair of glasses for free with the code MIMI. If you’re feeling generous, they even let you mix and match so you can gift the other one. Personally, I’m selfish so I will be keeping both LOL.

2. Invest in prescription sunglasses
Unless you’re planning on getting transition lenses (which I am not a fan of the look), you’ll definitely want to invest on a pair of prescription glasses. The first couple of days I switched to glasses happened to be super sunny days. And that darn bright sun got me longing for my sunnies. Unfortunately, for me this means being blind while I’m outdoors. Yeah, let’s just say I made the prescription sunglasses purchase quite soon after that.
Pro-tip: Use Coastal’s holiday BOGO deal (code: MIMI) to get yourself two of the same frames, one for regular use and the other for sunglasses.

3. Get A LOT of glasses spray and wipe
Maybe it’s just me, but I seem to have a real talent for smudging my glasses. I’m certain I wipe them down at least once every hour or so. This means that I have glasses wiping cloth at pretty much every corner of my house and office. Because there’s nothing more annoying that smudging your glasses while you’re Netflix and chilling on the couch, and having to get up to walk to the bedroom to get the wiping cloth.
Pro-tip: buy the wiping cloth in bulk and transfer the cleaning spray to mini containers so you can have them all over the house without spending a fortune.

4. Yes, you can still wear your glasses while working out
To be clear, I’m talking about the kind of workout that you do on land. I for sure don’t recommend having your glasses on while swimming.
While I have changed my mind about the coolness status of glasses, I’m definitely keeping glasses workout strap squarely in the uncool section. Plus, why pay extra when you already have the equipment necessary in your accessories drawer. All you need to make sure your glasses stay on while you’re working out is a good pair of elastic bandana. Just make sure that the ends of your glasses are tucked underneath the bandana. Bonus point: you’re not going to look like an 80’s dork wearing them.

5. Make sure your glasses are sized properly
I am definitely guilty of putting form before function sometimes, like getting an oversized frame solely because I think it looks cool. The problem is that these are a bit big on me, so anytime I look down the glasses will start sliding down my nose. If you’re shopping for your glasses online and can’t try them on beforehand, you can use tools like Coastal’s MyFit to ensure you are buying the proper sized glasses.
Pro-tip: just gotta have those oversized glasses? Use nerdwax to keep them slip-resistant.

Any of you guys lifelong glasses wearer or have switched recently? Please share any of your tips and tricks on the comment below. Also don’t forget, Coastal’s holiday BOGO deal ends Dec 31, 2017, so don’t wait up to get your second pair of eyeglasses frame for free.

Main And Central Thursday in Brown Tortoise

Main And Central Thursday in Brown Tortoise

Main And Central Thursday in Brown Tortoise

Main And Central Thursday in Brown Tortoise

Main And Central Thursday in Brown Tortoise

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  • Gentry Adams December 4, 2017 at 9:31 am

    I need new glasses and it’s my new year’s goal to finally make an eye doctor appointment so I can get some! These are so cute on you!!

  • Maggie December 4, 2017 at 9:41 am

    I LOVE these pants! and I love wearing my glasses – they are the perfect accessory!

  • megan December 4, 2017 at 11:43 am

    you are beautiful & these glasses are so pretty!!

    xo megan

  • Alice December 4, 2017 at 12:20 pm

    Such chic glasses! Loved your little tidbits about them. :) Also I can’t get enough of your green velvet pants!


  • Kate December 4, 2017 at 1:40 pm

    Those glasses are perfect on you! Very pretty!

  • Nelli December 4, 2017 at 3:25 pm

    These are great tips! Thank you for sharing and girl loving your chic pants! So fun!!! Xoxo, Nelli

  • Rachel December 4, 2017 at 9:23 pm

    Love this pair of glasses! As a fellow four-eyes (that refuses to wear contacts!), I can vouch that prescription sunnies are the best thing that have happened since sliced bread!

  • Madeline December 4, 2017 at 9:44 pm

    those pants are amazing! love how you styled them.

  • Stephanie December 5, 2017 at 11:44 am

    I’ve been wearing glasses for a few years now and can definitely attest to all these tips and tricks being true and super good to know! I didn’t realize how many glasses wipes I’d need – and I still need to get myself spray! Love this post!

  • Hannah December 6, 2017 at 8:45 am

    Those pants are soooo fun!! I absolutely love how you styled this full look:)

    xoxo, Hannah

  • Shelby Back December 8, 2017 at 1:17 pm

    these glasses look so good on you & I love this look! these pants are so fun! AND I need to get my hands on some prescription sunnies!


  • Kileen December 9, 2017 at 4:54 am

    These glasses look so great on you! I Love the frames!

    cute & little

  • Ashley Zeal December 9, 2017 at 10:48 am

    I need to get the spray so bad! I’m so lazy when it comes to keeping mine clean.

  • April December 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm

    Whenever I think of bloggers who rock glasses you’re the first that come to mind! You always look so cute in your frames!

    April | http://www.thebluehydrangeas.com

  • Kim December 10, 2017 at 6:23 pm

    Those glasses are perfect for you!


  • Madeline December 10, 2017 at 9:58 pm

    Great pants! They are awesome!

  • LuxMommy December 10, 2017 at 10:17 pm

    Those pants are amazing on you and love those glasses too!

  • Liz December 11, 2017 at 1:27 am

    What a cute post! I love how you styled this!


  • Zi December 12, 2017 at 8:16 pm

    those trousers are stunning *-*