Spring is fully on, which means it’s time to incorporate pops of color into my wardrobe. Well, not like I’m color adverse or anything, but it just always feels like when the change of season rolls around, there’s suddenly an urgency to not don so much black and gray. This skirt is the perfect transitioning piece for early spring: the bold orange is a nice change of pace from my usual black and gray, and it’s long enough to protect my legs from the sometime random cold spring gust of wind.
Outfit Combo: skirt from More Than Just Fig Leaves, crop top from Nicole Miller, necklace from Erin Paige Jewelry, clutch from ASOS, pumps from Christian Louboutin.
Love love love this skirt- I think this outfit is one of my faves that you’ve shown!!
She Likes to Shop
This orange skirt is the perfect transitioning piece for early spring. https://missgrey.ro/blog/despre-rochii/ghid-de-stiluri-rochii-de-seara/
This is lovely! I really like your tips and post