Truth be told when I got this dress from SheInside it didn’t even dawn on me what date it was. It wasn’t until after I received it when the realization came: holy jeebus it’s after Labor Day and the dress is all white. But whatever, rules are meant to be broken and especially one as silly as abstaining from a particular color for a good chunk of the year. I mean who actually follows this antiquated rule, am I right?
All this thought about wearing white after Labor Day got me curious: where did the silly little rule come from? After a quick internet search, turns out there’s not one answer. I found the rule blamed everything from the sensibility of not wearing white during possibly muddy fall weather to the ridiculousness of being able to tell the rich people apart (who obviously would know the rule). See I told you the rule was dumb.
Outfit Combo: white label asymmetric zipper dress from SheInside, pumps from Valentino (find similar here), clutch from Nordstrom.
wow,this looks so great!Thanks for sharing
Very nice pictures! Love the style.